Starting a Blog in 2024? It may be a good thing.

Nowadays, it seems like blogging is outdated, since everything is on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok, Discord, and so on. However, I have created and left behind many accounts on those platforms, and I feel the urge to sort out and give meaning to all of that.

“” is my main domain, but in reality I don’t fit into any specific category. I make music, but I’m not fully a musician. I build websites, but I’m not a webmaster. I code and tinker with geeky stuff, but I’m not an “IT guy”. I use AI to make things I like, but I don’t think I’m an AI Artist. I have diverse interests and hobbies, such as traveling, playing drums, or reading (or watching videos) about various topics. Sometimes I’m very productive, and sometimes I just do the bare minimum to survive.

That’s why I want to gather all these fragments in one place. This blog, and this website, is my attempt to integrate everything I do (and have done) in a single space.